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Wichita County
Community Supervision & Corrections
Serving the Courts of
Wichita County, Texas
Contact Information
600 Scott Ave, Suite 101
Wichita Falls, Texas 76301
Phone: 940-766-8100
Fax: 940-766-8109
Wichita County CSCD COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency Policy
Face coverings
are not required
but are recommended.
Community Service is active.
ALL CSR hours are one for one, hour for hour. Two for one is no longer permitted.
Administrative Staff
Kirk Wolfe-Director
Sarah Peeler - Asst. Director
Terri Veitenheimer-Supervisor
Silvia Fiscal - Supervisor
Derek Vaden - Business Office Manager
Occasionally, emergencies such as adverse weather or hazardous driving conditions arise. The Wichita County C.S.C.D. will follow
the delay or closing schedule
announced by the Wichita County Judge.
In the event of emergency closing for the C.S.C.D., it is announced on television KAUZ (Channel 6), KFDX (Channel 3) and respective Facebook pages for both stations.
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